
The Parts Department at Auto Motion maintains a comprehensive inventory of high quality genuine OEM parts. Our highly knowledgeable staff is here to answer your parts inquiries. Should we not carry a part for which you’re searching, we can always order it for you and receive it within a timely manner.

Automotion has a full service department specializing in brakes, oil changes, exhaust, etc. Our door rates are $94/hour and our goal at Automotion is to service the customer after the sale.

  • We Store Winter Tires For Free For Our Members Only
  • Class A Mechanics On Site
  • Service Loaners Are Available
  • Service Hours 8-5 Monday through Friday

Our Service Department is located at:
505 Richmond St, Chatham, Ontario N7M 1R2
Phone: 519-352-8519

Auto Motion is located in Chatham-Kent, Ontario and also serves Windsor, London, Tilbury, Sarnia, Kitchener, Leamington, Strathroy, St. Thomas, Tecumseh and surrounding areas.